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Dadswell Family History

Generation 5
David (Dodswell) Dadswell (1722-1803) and Ann Oakill

On this page:
Ancestors of David Dadswell
David Dadswell's story
Key family dates
Further information

Ancestors of David Dadswell

Robert Doudeswell 1560 > Robert Doudeswell 1606 > Edward Dodswell 1659 > Edward Dodswell 1679 > David Dadswell 1722

David Dadswell's story

David Dadswell, the fourth son of Edward and Elizabeth Dodswell, was baptised at St Denys Church, Rotherfield on 5 March 1722 (or possibly 1723).

On 10 September 1747, he married at nearby Withyham Ann Oakill, the daughter of William and Jane Oakill (William was the first schoolmaster at Crowborough Charity School). David and Ann Dadswell had nine children, who were all baptised at Rotherfield.

Ann Dadswell died on 25 June 1800 at the age of about 70, David died three years later, on 2 April 1803 aged about 81.

David and Ann are ancestors of Percy Dadswell of Toowoomba, Queensland.

Key family dates

David Dadswell
baptised 5 March 1722 or 1723
died 2 April 1803
10 September 1747
Ann Oakill
born about 1730
died 25 June 1800
Children -

1. Jane Dadswell baptised 13 July 1748 - died ?

2. Edward Okill Dadswell baptised 2 December 1750 - [married Elizabeth Taylor] - died 10 February 1832

[Edward and Elizabeth are ancestors of Percy Dadswell of Toowoomba]

3. David Dadswell baptised 24 December 1752 - died ?

4. Hannah Dadswell baptised 6 April 1755 - died ?

5. Robert Dadswell baptised 1 January 1757 - [married Mary Bridger] - buried 26 February 1830

6. James Dadswell baptised 16 August 1761 - [married Mary Brooker] - buried 28 July 1836

7. Ann Dadswell baptised 29 April 1764 - died ?

8. Nicholas Dadswell baptised 29 April 1766 - [married Elizabeth Camfield] - buried 3 July 1848

9. Elizabeth Dadswell baptised 15 February 1767 - died ?

Further information

Information on Edward and Elizabeth Dodswell (generation 4, parents of David Dadswell)

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