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Dadswell Family History

Generation 8
Henry William Dadswell (1865-1877)

On this page:
Ancestors of Henry William Dadswell
Henry William's story
Key family dates
Further information

Ancestors of Henry William Dadswell

Robert Doudeswell 1560 > Robert Doudeswell 1606 > Edward Dodswell 1659 > Alexander Dodswell 1686 > Thomas Dadswell 1732 > James Dadswell 1786 > Thomas William Dadswell 1828 > Henry William Dadswell 1865

Gravestone of Henry William Dadswell

Henry William's story

Henry William Dadswell, the fifth child of Thomas William and Helena (Scheer) Dadswell, was born on 19 February 1865 at Pleasant Creek (now Stawell), where the family was then living.

Little is known about his life, but he was with his family when they shifted to Ledcourt Crossing (now known as Dadswells Bridge). Henry would have been educated at the school located within the family's hotel. On 12 July 1877 when he was aged 12, he died at Dimboola, which was about 70km from the family home. His death certificate stated he had been ill from tonsillitis for three days. He was buried the same day at Dimboola Cemetery.

Key family dates

Henry William Dadswell
born 19 February 1865 - died 12 July 1877

Further information

Information on brothers/sisters of Henry William Dadswell
Information on Thomas William Dadswell (generation 7, father of Henry William)

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